Wir suchen aktive Spieler für unsere M Plus Gruppen
Battle.net Tags: ActiveGamer#2100 , Discord: shaliam
The Corrupted Phönix plays 7 times per week for a total of 35 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Seg | 18:00 | 5 horas |
Ter | 18:00 | 5 horas |
Qua | 18:00 | 5 horas |
Qui | 18:00 | 5 horas |
Sex | 18:00 | 5 horas |
Sáb | 18:00 | 5 horas |
Dom | 18:00 | 5 horas |
Esses dados são baseados em The Corrupted Phönix's relatórios recentes.
The Corrupted Phönix is recruiting!
What activities is The Corrupted Phönix recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in The Corrupted Phönix?