We are a guild of semi-casuals who happen to have some high-performance players. This season we have pushed into Mythic further than every before and are looking for like-minded individuals who are down with knocking out AOTC, prog Mythic Raid, and potentially push to get CE in WWI. We are recruiting solid raiders that understand that progressing on Mythic means dialing in strategies, wiping a lot and having fun downing the big bad boss together. This also means raiders may have to sit on the bench and/or sub in and out as needed. Lucky for you we also have an active mythic+ community, with many of our M+ runners being top in realm (#1 rogue, #1 guardian, #1 mistweaver, #1 dev evoker, and extremely competitive others) and would love to expand upon that aspect of the guild; an ideal recruit would participate in both raiding and M+, as our experience has consistently shown that M+ runners slap mythic raid more vigorously than raid-loggers. And, my friend, vigorous slapping is the goal.
In-Game: Megamanmeat-Malfurion | Battlenet: BigSimpin#1345 | Discord Server: https://discord.gg/McW4xAC7W | Discord: BigSimpin | Email: PostLustClarity@gmail.com
Post Lust Clarity plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Qua | 00:00 | 3 horas |
Sex | 00:00 | 3 horas |
Post Lust Clarity is recruiting!
Invasões, Masmorras
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