Welcome to Raise Your Eyes, a progression raiding guild on Mal'Ganis – US.
Our guild was created with the intention of providing exceptional players, many of which are returning to WoW after years away, an avenue through which to advance their abilities while progressing through Heroic/Mythic raids.
We offer a semi-hardcore environment which means while we do check parses and evaluate raider performance we value player improvement over raw numbers.
Raise Your Eyes is a guild where all voices can be heard. We have no “core officer group” of IRL friends who have played together for 10 years, instead, we have come together as a group where every raider can voice their opinion.
++Tues 9-12pm EST/Thurs 9-12pm EST (Tues 8-11pm CT/Thurs 8-11pm CT)++
Formed 12/18/2020 - Current/Past Rankings
++Currently Recruiting:++
All exceptional DPS/Healers considered
++Contact Information:++
Discord - dwarf1
Ytu - Mal'Ganis US [H]
Bnet = Matt#15352
Discord - thatdwarf#3211
Raise Your Eyes plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Qua | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Sex | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Raise Your Eyes is recruiting!
Invasões, Masmorras
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What is the primary language used in Raise Your Eyes?