Still recruiting exceptional players
About us: Our aim is to clear the current content as quickly as we can with the time we raid. We also value having fun and not having raid time feel like a chore. The social aspect of raiding is very important to us and people are made to feel at home. We want to grow our already strong community so expect jokes to be made and general banter.
We love raiding but we also love playing together as a guild inside and outside of WoW, so if you are looking for a strong/stable guild with dedicated players and Officers we might be a fit for you!
What we expect: First of all we want to kill bosses, so you need to have a progress minded attitude, be able to take criticism and look back at the mistakes you made. Good attendance is a must.
Be able to perform to a good standard both mechanically and numbers wise, always come to raid prepared! We hate drama so don't be a drama queen!
Have fun and enjoy yourself!
Raiding Days: Wednesday: 19:45-23:00 Monday: 19:45-23:00 6½ hours a week
If you've got any questions or wish to apply, add one of us on b-tag or discord.
Discord: rebecca#6885 Btag RebeccaCoo12#2536
RebeccaCoo12#2536 // Storkuk99#2184 Discord: Rebecca#6885 // Maeven#8957
Animal Shelter plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Seg | 19:00 | 3 horas |
Qua | 19:00 | 3 horas |
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Animal Shelter is not recruiting at this time.
Invasões, Masmorras, Social
What activities is Animal Shelter recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Animal Shelter?