We are a recently formed guild during BfA in Patch 8.3. We are focusing on becoming a semi-hardcore / semi-casual guild coming into Shadowlands.
We are enjoying Raiding, Mythic + Dungeons and some casual Random PvP and Arena.
++Raid Days:++ Wednesday & Monday. Tuesday is an extra day optional day. ++Raid Hours:++ 20:00-23:00 Server Time. While we are in search of raiders, casual members are welcome. You can apply in game, on discord or contact one of the following officers:
Vonpistol (Guild Council - DPS Officer)
Syluu (Guild Council - Raid Leader / Recruitment)
Snibsy (Guild Council)
Seji (Events Officer / New Player Liaison)
Yarne (Communications Officer)
Leet (Healing Officer)
Arnavaz (DPS Officer)
If you have any questions for any of the officer team, feel free to join the discord below and discuss things further;
++Discord:++ https://discord.gg/xEaUtTu
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Não foram encontrados relatórios recentes o suficiente para gerar uma composição.
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Ordered Chaos is not recruiting at this time.
Invasões, Masmorras
What activities is Ordered Chaos recruiting for?
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