Knights of the Alliance is recruiting all people, all specs, all roles, for our raiding, Mythic+, and PvP teams. We are always looking for like minded individuals to join our guild, whether it be for raiding, M+, or just to find a group of individual to hang out with that are like-minded. If you don't see the day/times that you want to raid on here, hit me up! We work to help raid teams create themselves in our guild. You would have me recruiting for you, leaving you to do what you really want to do, which is lead a raid.
KotA has been around since the early days of Vanilla WoW and we have raiding in every tier since that time, attempting or beating every raid as it was current content. Every so often, as with anyone with a life, we have backed off raiding due to real life events or because an expansion sucked (looking at you BFA). We have consistently been a top ten guild on the server with this last expansion hitting a top five each raid tier. However, as always, our goal has never been to reach these heights, they are just obtainable with the right group of individuals around us. As such, here are the rules for KotA members -
If you’ve made it through the rules for harmonious living in KotA, then you might have a place with us.
We are going to be raiding heroic raids, then switching over to Mythic every raid tier. We currently have four different raids running. Our raid times are Tuesday 4-7PST/7-10EST, Tuesday/Wednesday 5-8 PST/8-11EST, Wednesday/Friday 6-9PST/9-12EST, Saturday 5-8 PST/8-11EST. For M+, our guild focuses on getting our guild members through KSM, and then pushing to see how high we can go. We have a guild M+ night on Thursdays (lower- to mid-level keys) and Monday nights (8+ keys).
DDT -- Tuesday - 3/8M, 8/8H, looking for a resto shaman and warlock. This raid is a 1-night raid that focuses on AotC then heads into mythic to clear as much as possible
TGM -- T/W -3/8M, 8/8H not currently looking for anyone specific. They ended 6/8M last expansions last tier and pushed into mythic every tier beforehand.
MT6 -- W/F - 3/8M, 8/8H, looking for boomkin and WW monk, but all DPS should apply. This raid is our newest raid and is focused on AotC then getting into mythic ASAP
Unknown -- W/Th, looking for all classes, all roles. This is a new raid that will be happening in guild and where the raid goes is completely up to the members of the raid. We have about 5 people in guild who are currently needing a raid and so we are creating this one for them!
Vibes -- S - 7/8H, 8/8N, this raid is for people who can't commit to a specific time, who like to raid drunk, and alts. This raid always needs everyone lol
Our guild boasts the best healing core on the server and many of our DPS are top ten for their class/spec. So, if bullet points up above sounds good to you, hit me up. We always invite the person, not the class or spec.
BNID - FallenAngel#1436 or Discord Devin#5975
Knights of the Alliance plays 5 times per week for a total of 15 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Qua | 00:00 | 3 horas |
Qui | 00:00 | 3 horas |
Sex | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Sáb | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Dom | 00:00 | 3 horas |
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Knights of the Alliance is recruiting!
Invasões, Masmorras, PvP, Social
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