- +Cidadela Fogo do Inferno
- +Feitos de Força
- +Todos os Chefes
- +Mítico
- +
- +
- +Aliança
- +Nível de Item Geral
- +6.2
- +Sem Contentores de Lixo
- +Sem Restrições de CD de Mais de 3 Minutos
- Sem Restrições de CD de Mais de 3 Minutos
- Com Restrições de CD de Mais de 3 Minutos
- A categoria restrita limita o uso de CDs com mais de 3 minutos para evitar que os jogadores se desconectem entre chefes.
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The first produced kill video for this Proezas Memoráveis will be featured here!
Derrote Hellfire Assault na dificuldade mítica sem matar nenhum Hulking Berserker.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Proezas Memoráveis will be featured here!
Derrote o Ceifeiro de Ferro na dificuldade Mítico andes dela tirar. Jogadores não devem levar nenhum dano de Barragem, Bombas, Explosão ou Imolação.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Derrote Kormrok na dificuldade Mítico sem matar nenhuma Mão Demolidora, Arrastada ou Agarradora. As mãos também devem ter a permissão de surgir.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Proezas Memoráveis will be featured here!
Derrote o Alto Conselho de Hellfire na dificuldade Mítico. Dois membros do conselho devem morrer dentro de 5 segundos entre si. Vocês podem escolher quais dois.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Derrotar Kilrogg Olho Morto na dificuldade Mítica. Todos os jogadores do raide devem ser atingidos pelo primeiro Heartseeker. Nenhum jogador pode morrer durante o confronto.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Derrote o Sanguinávido na dificuldade Mítica. Os Constructos Sombrios não devem sofrer nenhum dano no estômago e devem poder surgir no topo como Gorebound Constructs totalmente saudáveis.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Proezas Memoráveis will be featured here!
Derrote Senhor das Sombras Iskar na dificuldade Mítica sem que nenhum jogador aa raid receber mais que 4 stacks de Resplendor de Anzu.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Proezas Memoráveis will be featured here!
Derrote o Lorde Vil Zakuun na dificuldade Mítica sem que nenhum jogador fique em Fissuras Estrondosas e sem ativar Energia Liberada.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Proezas Memoráveis will be featured here!
Derrote Xhul'horac na dificuldade Mítica depois de ativar no máximo uma Singularidade Potencializada.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Derrote Socrethar na dificuldade Mítica. Pelo menos um Espreitador de Alma Voraz deve aparecer. Espreitadores de Alma devem ser mantidos vivos durante toda a luta, não podem ser aprisionados e não podem receber nenhum debuff.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Derrote Tyrant Velhari na dificuldade Mítica. O Antigo Precursor e o Antigo Soberano devem morrer com intervalo de 5 segundos um do outro.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Proezas Memoráveis will be featured here!
Derrote Mannoroth na dificuldade Mítica sem permitir que nenhum jogador morra. Nenhum jogador pode ter Ira de Gul'dan por mais de 45 segundos.
No guild has accomplished this Proezas Memoráveis yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Proezas Memoráveis and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Para aprender mais sobre como classificações funcionam no site, você pode ler a guia de classificações . Uma classificação com um plano de fundo ouro escuro é considerada "em risco", desde que é usar truques que serão, muito provavelmente, corrigidos em algum momento no futuro. Se uma correção dentro do jogo for lançado, então a classificação será removida. Clasificações removidas possuem um plano de fundo vermelho escuro .